Welcome to “Angora Goats: A ‘Shear’ Delight,” an educational package for those interested in raising Angora goats.
During a 2006 Mohair Council of America meeting in Texas, a desire was expressed to develop educational materials for potential new Angora Goat producers. The Texas Food and Fibers Commission, now a part of the Texas Department of Agriculture, offered to fund the project. Texas Cooperative Extension and the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station at San Angelo were given the task of developing these materials. Two main audiences were targeted:
-New landowners interested in keeping a livestock enterprise.
-Persons who have inherited land, and want to reenter the Angora goat business, but need basic information.
The heart of the project are the publications:
“Angora Goats: A Shear Delight”
a twelve-page introduction to Angora goat production
“Angora Goat and Mohair Production”
This book, by Dr. Maurice Shelton, research geneticist emeritus at AgriLife Research, San Angelo, Texas, is arguably the most complete reference available on Angora goats grazing native range.
If you have questions, suggestions or comments regarding Angora goats or the publications listed above, contact: Steve Byrns