The 5,329.95-acre Read Ranch in Crockett County serves as a ranch-scale laboratory for rangeland and wildlife research with an emphasis on ranching solutions. Livestock production on site includes cattle, sheep, goats, and livestock guardian dogs. The property’s wildlife management plan allows for a seasonal three-year lease with two option years. The ranch has had no hunting since 2019 due to anthrax exposure to the white-tailed deer population. Monitoring over the past few years has shown a return of white-tailed deer population including mature bucks.
Public Notice: Seeking Hunting Lease Bids
Texas A&M AgriLife Research Hunting Lease Near Ozona, Texas, Crokett County 5,329.95-acre property Read Ranch
Texas A&M AgriLife Research is seeking lease bids offers for hunting deer, turkey, dove and feral hogs on the Read Ranch located at 2546 CR 103 Ozona, TX 76943.
Ranch visits must be scheduled in advance with Christie Ketring 325-657-7306.
February visits will be accepted on Sunday February 16th and Monday February 17th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Any unannounced visits will be turned away.
March visits will be accepted Friday March 7th and Saturday March 8th from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Any unannounced visits will be turned away.
Bid submission forms and required information will be received until 1:00 PM on Tuesday April 1st, 2025 C.S.T. More information can be found at
Bidder property visits and game survey results
Property visit opportunities for prospective bidders will be available by appointment only. Contact Christie Ketring for scheduling at 325-657-7306.
Results from helicopter game survey, September 2024:
09/2024 Observation Results
White-tailed Deer Bucks
Spikes 2
Small 8
8+ Points 28
Total Bucks 38
Does 47
Fawns 40
Quail (Coveys of 2-30+) 6
Feral Pigs app. 51
Tabulated Results (Based on 5330 acres)
Total Deer Density 42.64 ac/deer
Adult Deer Density 63.71 ac/deer
Buck Deer Density 140.3 ac/deer
Buck/Doe Ratio 1 buck to 1.24 doe
Fawn Rate 85 %
#Bucks 125+ B&C 11
Mature Bucks 11 (29 % of the buck herd)
Middle-aged Bucks 17 (45 % of the buck herd)
Young Bucks 10 (26 % of the buck herd)
Quality Buck Index 29 %
Permitted wildlife harvests during applicable hunting seasons and required records.
FIRST SEASON TPWD 2025 fall survey may increase or decrease deer numbers.
- 9 total bucks with no more than 6 being mature bucks and no more than 3 being middle-aged with inferior antlers as compared to their respective aged counterparts. No spikes should be harvested this year.
- 14 doe.
- Turkey were not seen on the 2024 survey.
- Dove (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department daily bag limit-15 birds/day/person)
- Feral Hogs (unlimited)
- Exotics (unlimited)
Required records for animals harvested:
Deer: age, sex, lactation status if female, gross Boone & Crockett score if antlered, field dressed weight.
Turkey: sex, beard length, spur length, live weight.
Dove: total number of hunters and number harvested by day.
Feral Pigs: sex, measured shoulder height, field dressed or live weight.
Exotics: age, sex, lactation status if female, species, field dressed or live weight.
Accommodations and property photos
The property’s hunting camp is fenced on 8 acres with a corral and water trough to the north. Camp is located on the property midline, east near the entrance gate. A stone and beam insulated pavilion and bath house are on site. The pavilion is outfitted with mini split HVAC units, propane stove and heaters, and hot water. A full kitchen with utensils, seating, and a wood fireplace. Bath house has two restrooms with two stalls and one shower on each side. A sheltered concrete pad deer cleaning station with electricity and water is located adjacent to the pavilion area. Aged carcass cooler located on site may not be operable. On-site collecting of oak wood for fires in the pavilion is permitted.
Numerous RV and camp sites with electricity, sewer, and water surround the pavilion. 8 camp tent platforms with electricity are on site. A connex storage unit is located in camp and can be used exclusively by the hunting party. No sleeping accommodation is provided. An aged mobile home located within the camp is not available for use. Utilities are included in the lease rate.
The property has aprox. 24 existing aged double blinds with feeders and shooting lanes. Ranch research may share or occupy up to 4 additional feeders for continued wildlife and livestock monitoring. Property has established caliche roads to access most blinds/feeders. Oil and gas traffic shares roads.
One gun hunter is permitted to hunt in one of the existing blinds at a time, and no additional feeders or blinds are permitted. It is the lessee’s responsibility to fence/secure the feeder to keep livestock/pigs out. Feeding wildlife year-round is permitted. Exotics are not permitted to grow herd numbers. Research reserves the right to harvest exotics if lease owner cannot meet recommended harvest numbers.
No subleasing of any type is allowed. (day leases, commercial hunting, etc.)
Harvests must be logged immediately – Logbook to be available for inspection at any time. Harvest totals reporting should be submitted by April 1st every year.
Harvesting of collard peccary, commonly known as javelina, is prohibited.
Restricted no-shooting areas are designated (map supplied) within 200 yards of all buildings including ranch headquarters, shop, livestock working pens and the hunting camp. No blinds/feeders shall be placed within 100 yards of the property’s exterior perimeter.
No more than 10 hunters are allowed to stay at the camp, and all are required to complete signed release forms to be on the property, for each occurrence. Permanent residence, defined as 14 or more consecutive days at the camp, is prohibited.
Road conditions during wet weather may require use of utility or all-terrain vehicles to prevent road damage to other areas other than the hunting camp. Lessees are required to repair excessive damage to roads.
All personal items must be removed from the pavilion and bath house January 31 through August 31. Personal items may be stored securely in the hunting camp container.
The Research Center Manager will inform the lessee of any research or facility access restrictions. Research may require full access to certain units and the lessee will be notified in advance of these activities.
All alterations and removal of vegetation, any building modification or on-site storage must be coordinated and approved with the Research Center Manager. The Research Center Manager will coordinate with the lessee for all carcass and trash disposal.
The Research Center Manager will coordinate with the lessee for all carcass and trash disposal.