This page provides access to a collection of dozens of scholarly articles and studies on livestock guardian dogs from the 1960’s to today. The articles are broken down into broad categories that we believe will be helpful in your research regarding LGDs. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Bill Costanzo by email at, or by phone at 325-653-4576.
Coyotes and LGDs
Comparison of Bobcat and Coyote Predation on Lambs
Coyotes Can Protect Your Livestock From Predators
Coyotes Guard Dogs and Electric Fences
Coyotes in the Southwest – A Compendium of Our Knowledge
Effect of Coyote Removal on Sheep Depredation in Northern California
How Komondor Dogs Reduce Sheep Losses to Coyotes
LGDs Protect Domestic Sheep From Coyote Predation in Kansas
Relative Vulnerability of Coyotes to Removal Methods
The Effectiveness of Selective Removal of Breeding Coyotes in Reducing Sheep Predation
The Economics of LGDs
Causes and Economic Effects of Mortality in Livestock Guarding Dogs
Cost Effectiveness of LGDs for Predator Control
Do LGD Lose Effectiveness Over Time
Investigating the Hidden Costs of LGDs
LGDs Do Benefits Outweigh Costs?
Are These Big White Dogs Worth the Expense?
The Effectiveness of LGDs
Are the Livestock Guarding Dogs Where They are Supposed to be?
Attentiveness of Guarding Dogs for Reducing Predation on Domestic Sheep
Effectiveness of LGDs for Reducing Predation on Domestic Sheep
Influence of Livestock Guardian Dogs on Mesocarnivore Activity in Central Texas
LGDs Reduce Predation on Domestic Sheep in Colorado
Reducing Livestock-Carnivore Conflict on Rural Farms Using Local LGDs
Relative Effectiveness of Guarding-Dog Breeds to Deter Predation on Domestic Sheep in Colorado
The Use of LGDs in Associate with Large Carnivores in the Rocky Mountains
Top Dogs and Under Dogs-Competition Between Dogs and Sympatric Carnivores
Utility of LPDs for deterring wildlife
LGD Genetics and Breeds
Evaluation of the Work Potential of Great Pyrenees Puppies for the Protection of Herds
Genetic Characterization of Yugoslavian Shepherd
Genomic Characterization of the Three Balkan LGDs
Investigating the Population Structure and Genetic Differentiation of Livestock Guard Dog Breeds
Navajo Use of Mixed-breed Dogs for Management of Predators
Observations on Why Mongrels May Make Effective Livestock Protecting Dogs
The Use of Eurasian Dogs to Protect Sheep from Predators in North
Use of 3 Breeds of Dog to Protect Sheep
Behavioral Effects of Deslorelin Implantation in Kangals
Evaluating Domestic Sheep Survival with Different Breeds of LGDs
Breed Comparison and Characteristics of LGDs
Wildlife responses to livestock guard dogs and domestic sheep on open range
The History of and How to Use LGDs
A Decade Of Use Of LGDs
Development of Interspecies Social Attachments
Guardian Dogs-Best Management Practices
How Dogs Work
How LGDs Protect Livestock
Introducing LGDs to Sheep and Goat Producers
LGD by Any Other Name
LGD Developmental Environments
LGD Guard Sheep by Guarding not Establishing Territories and Excluding Predators
Livestock Protection Dogs – The Puppy Arrives
LPDs in the 21st Century
Olfactory Communication – Dingo Response to LGD Urine Marks
Raising and Training a LGD
USDA Factsheet – Livestock Protection Dogs
USDA LGDs-Protecting Sheep from Predators
Use of Livestock Guarding Animals to Reduce Predation on Livestock
Using Guardian Dogs for Livestock Protection
LGDs as Surrogate Top Predators
LGDs Today-Possible Solutions to Perceived Limitations
Management Problems Encountered with LGDs
Studying Internal & External Factors Affecting LGDs
LGDs Aggression To People
Lethal vs Non-Lethal Predator Control
Are Viable Non-Lethal Management Tools Available for Reducing Wolf-Human Conflict
Comparing Costs and Benefits of Lethal and Non-Lethal Human-Wildlife Conflict Mitigation on Livestock Farms
Dead or Alive – Costs of Lethal & Non-Lethal Control of Predators
Predator Control Should Not be a Shot in the Dark
Review of Methods to Reduce Livestock Depredation
The Complex Interactions Between Wolves and Dogs in a Conservation Context
What’s New for Conserving Carnivores
Wolf-Livestock Nonlethal Conflict Avoidance-A Review of the Literature
Livestock Protection Tools
Positive attitude towards livestock guarding dogs do not mitigate pastoralists’ opinions of wolves or grizzly bears
LGD Studies Based in Other Countries
Guard Animals for Livestock Protection in Australia
Interactions of LGDs & Wolves in French Alps
LGD Current World Wide Use (2001)
LGDs in Norway
Mitigating Carnivore Livestock Conflict in Europe
Using LGDs In Balkans
Livestock Damage by Carnivores and Use of Livestock Guardian Dogs for its Prevention in Europe
The Movement of LGDs
A Comparison of Movement Speeds for Domestic Sheep in the Presence of LGDs
Factors Influencing the Movement of LGDs in the Edwards Plateau of Texas
GPS to Monitor Spatial Movement – Sheep Goat LGD
Implementation of Electric Fencing for Establishing Effective LGDs
Spatial Associations of LGD and Sheep
Spatial Relationships Between Livestock Guardian Dogs and Mesocarnivores in Central Texas
Where Do LGDs Go- Movement Patterns of Free-Ranging Maremma Sheepdogs
Other Articles on LGDs
Conceptualizing the Ethical Questions in the Use of LPDs
Cow Dogs-Use of LPDs for Reducing Predation and Transmission of Pathogens from Wildlife to Cattle
Ecological Effects of LGDs on Target and Non-Target Wildlife
LGDs Aggression To People
The Influence of Livestock Protection Dogs on Mesocarnivore Activity in the Edwards Plateau of Texas